Sæta Húsið
40-55 min
Ljúffengur upprúllaður ís og vöfflur
Sæta Húsið
Ljúffengur upprúllaður ís og vöfflur
Nánari upplýsingar
1. Hummus, avocado, jalapeno
1. Hummus, avocado, jalapeno
3.000 kr.

2. Mozarella, dried tomato, baby spinach, freshly grounded black pepper
2. Mozarella, dried tomato, baby spinach, freshly grounded black pepper
3.000 kr.

3. Goat cheese, honey, thyme
3. Goat cheese, honey, thyme
3.000 kr.

4. Smoked salmon, cream cheese and dill
4. Smoked salmon, cream cheese and dill
3.000 kr.
5. Ham, cheese and butter
5. Ham, cheese and butter
3.000 kr.

6. Fried smoked bacon and maple syrup
6. Fried smoked bacon and maple syrup
3.000 kr.

Veldu milli valmöguleika
1.200 kr.

Savory Bubble Waffles
1. Hummus, avocado, jalapeno
1. Hummus, avocado, jalapeno
3.000 kr.

2. Mozarella, dried tomato, baby spinach, freshly grounded black pepper
2. Mozarella, dried tomato, baby spinach, freshly grounded black pepper
3.000 kr.

3. Goat cheese, honey, thyme
3. Goat cheese, honey, thyme
3.000 kr.

4. Smoked salmon, cream cheese and dill
4. Smoked salmon, cream cheese and dill
3.000 kr.
5. Ham, cheese and butter
5. Ham, cheese and butter
3.000 kr.

6. Fried smoked bacon and maple syrup
6. Fried smoked bacon and maple syrup
3.000 kr.

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