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Lansinoh blautklútar 80 stkNæra húðina og koma í veg fyrir þurrk og að viðkvæm húð flagni.Veita húðinni vernd á milli bleyjuskipta.Hentar fyrir viðkvæma húð vegna tíðra bleyjuskipta.Sterkar og sérlega mjúkar blautþurrkur.Innihalda ekki alcohol.Lansinoh® Clean & Condition Baby Wipes are specially designed for breastfed babies who require frequent diaper changes. They provide thorough cleaning to help prevent dryness and chafing while serving as a barrier from wetness between diaper changes. The hypoallergenic wipes also contain Lansinoh® Lanolin cream for gentle cleaning while protecting baby's sensitive skin.Key FeaturesHelps moisturize baby’s tender skinProvides a protective barrier from wetness between diaper changesHypoallergenic  

750 kr.